Wednesday 19 October 2011

Carrot Thayir Pachadi

This is a very famous Pandigai Samayal recipe and is prepared for most of the nombu / poojai.
1.       Carrot: 2 (Grated)
2.       Green chillies: 1 Big / 2 small (chopped in to small pieces)
3.       Mustard: 1 tsp
4.       Oil: 1 tsp
5.       Salt
6.       Coriander leaves: few
7.       Curd: 2 ladles
Preparation Procedure:
1.       Take the grated carrot in a vessel and add salt to the same.
2.       In a kadai, season mustard and green chillies and add this to the grated carrot with salt.
3.       Add coriander leaves cut in to very fine pieces
4.       Add Curd at the end. Otherwise, the raitha / pachadi will tend to become watery.
Best would be to add curd before serving..

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